Using Images that depict action, architecture or landscape, I was assigned to add a quote to the image in a way that enhances the action of the image for Introduction to Typography.
All images that were used were downloaded
To complete the first step of the assignment, one must have five different photos, and five different ways of projecting text in each picture, and then print their studies from the color laser printer.
I was given a list of historical fonts to choose from within different categories of type such as: Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Slab Serif, Humanist Sans Serif, Transitional Sans, and Geometric sans. The fonts used in the images above are Futura and Didot which are part of the modern and geometric sans type families.
The purpose of the assignment was to not only associate the content of the text with the actions depicted in the images, but more over, focus on the physical integration between the text and the type. This exercise challenged my ideas of text placement. Where text would be more visible than other places on an image affected the length and the orientation of the text. Image adjustments in photoshop were also made to provide lightness and darkness of the pictures.